Oh the things we could have done today, on your first birthday...
We could have opened gifts and eaten sweets...
Danced with puppies or gotten a tattoo, in celebration of your 1st birthday as we look forward to all the future things we would do...
We could have tickled each other or molded clay, oh the fun we would have had on your special day...

We could have had an accident on daddy and then cried out loud, either way, it's your birthday and everything you do would have been allowed.
Mommy could have read you a story or G-Pa could have swung you on the swing, oh the joy sharing this day with you would definitely bring...
We could have sat you up or dressed you like a doll...

Or perhaps we could have given you daddy's credit card and you could have bought everything in the mall...
But what do you really give someone whose already given you their all?
You give them love and cake and all the sweet ingredients that a memory will make...

Because in the end, no matter how much time we have together, that's all any of us will get to take...
While we can no longer hold you in our arms, we will forever hold you in our memories and you are embedded in our hearts.
Love always,
Mommy & Daddy
Love always,
Mommy & Daddy
P.S. Here's some pictures of the "Avery" tree we planted in the front yard for your birthday...