Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me (Cha Cha Cha)

Each time I post an update, please share my story by updating your social networks, e-mailing all of your contacts, and talking to your friends/co-workers.  And to all my girlfriends out there, tell your Ob/GYN about my story and maybe they'll routinely start offering SMA testing.  If we can help save a few of my future friends and their mommy, daddy, and loved ones from SMA, then my life, while cut short in time, will be beyond fulfilling in stature.


Today I celebrated my 6-month birthday with mommy & daddy by my side.  They brought me a cake (not pictured), balloons, sang happy birthday to me, and read me some sweet birthday wishes from my SMAns.

I also celebrated with my Nana Carolyn who gave me a hot glazed donut from Shipley's Do-Nuts.  She went on and on about how she would drive to however many Shipley's she had to until she found one that had just pulled a batch of hot glazed donuts fresh out of the oven.  She even said sometimes she'd wait 15 minutes until a fresh batch came out...whatever that means.  All I know is I like her a lot!  She's sweet & silly, which is exactly how my daddy described her!

Please remember, while I'm no longer physically here, I live on through each of you.  So please continue sharing my story and the stories of ALL my friends with SMA who still need your help!  And please know, whether you're telling my story to bring forth SMA awareness or making donations to fund a cure, you are helping!

Once that goal has been achieved, please direct all monetary donations to Fight SMA (

Items I Can Scratch Off My Bucket List:
1. Celebrate my 6-month birthday with mommy & daddy by my side.
2. Share a donut with my Nana Carolyn.

Up Next:
Whatever I bring to life through my mommy, my daddy, and through you.

Don't forget to share my story by following & forwarding my blog, following me on 
Twitter  (AveryBucketList) and Like Me on Facebook (Averys Bucket List)!  The more people who are aware of SMA, the less likely future children will be born with SMA, and the more likely there will be a cure for my friends who already have SMA!

If there's anything you'd like to mail me, you can send it to:

Avery's Bucket List
PO BOX #2849
Bellaire, TX 77402

Thank you again to everyone!


  1. Happy 6 month Birthday Avery, your pictures are just beautiful. Aidan, my little boy in heaven, will be 2 in July. My little girl, Abbey, who is thankfully here with us in Frisco, TX, just turned 8 months old on Cinco De Mayo. My wife and I love reading your updates, you have incredibly special parents who are making such a loving impact on this world. Great kids come from great parents, but it is our kids that make us complete as people. Praying for all of you and wishing you so much joy on this beautiful 6 month birthday!

  2. Happy 6 month birthday Avery Angel. Keep looking down on all of us especially your parents and all the lil ones with SMA. I may be selfish but I wish you were still with your parents. Laura & Mike thank you again for sharing Avery with everyone.

    R.I.P. Gone but NEVER forgotten!

  3. Happy 6 month birthday little angel! We miss you a bunch!

  4. Happy 6 month birthday beautiful, sweet, brave girl! I know you're being showered with live, kisses, presents, and sweet treats up there in Heaven. :) and you are being celebrated all over the workd here on earth today. My 4 year old will be getting a birthday cupcake in your honor today!

  5. Your Nana Carolyn has great taste. Shipley's glazed donuts are my favorite too:) Hope your Mommy and Daddy and you have a wonderful day of celebration.

  6. Happy 6 month birthday from your birthday twin we told Khloe happy 6 month birthday this morning, we said a little prayer for you and Avery. Again...thank you for sharing her with us!

  7. happy 6 months little girl. Hang in there mom and dad! Think of you every day.

  8. Dear Avery-

    Happy 6 month birthday to you. I try and spread the word about you and your goal to beat SMA to everyone I talk with. I am so happy your mommy and daddy decided to share you with us.

    Rest in peace!

  9. Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You Haaaapppyyy Birthday dear Avery, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday sweet Avery! I am donating some money to Dr. Kaspar in your name today. I am glad that yu get to celebrate with you Nana Carolyn. I know you are by your mommy and daddy's side, too. You are loved very much!

  11. Happy 6 Month Birthday Angel! Thank you changing lives!

  12. I think of this precious baby every day, her beautiful smiling face is on my sidebar of my blog with a link for donating. She will live in my heart, even though we never met. I know one day, when we are in Heaven, we will all know each other. Mike and Laura, thanking you both for letting us know your daughter. You two are extra-special, Avery chose you to be her earthly parents. ((hugs))

  13. Happy 6 month birthday my sweet little angel! Wish you were here so we could see you smile but i know you are smiling to us from up there..i will still wait for a new update and still i cry little more, but you have also taught me how to enjoy my babies every minute of my life.. and i pray you will be big sister! Avery i love you and i won't never forgot you. For your mom and dad; you are just amazing parents! So strong to share Avery with us! I really hope and pray you will have another chance to make lil sister feeling blessed and Avery very proud big sister. All my love goes to you!

  14. happy 6 month birthday Avery! We love you!

  15. Happy Half-a-birthday, sweetie.

  16. Happy 6 month birthday baby girl! I am glad that you got to celebrate your birthday with your mommy and daddy. I think about your everyday and can honestly say that I miss you:) You have taught me to cherish every moment I have with my daughter and that there is nothing more important than my little girl. Please know that you continue to impact that lives of many and that there is much love out there for you. Hope you are dancing in the sky Avery!

  17. Happy Birthday sweet Avery! We will not give up on the mission!

  18. Hmmm, did someone get a manicure?

  19. Happy, happy 6 month birthday Avery! Today I hope you celebrate with my mother-in-law, Jan since it's her 63 birthday today! She spent most of her time down here on earth loving her two sons... something you can relate to as you have spent all your time loving life, your parents and all your friends. Jan loves to garden, so today you should plant something with her and scratch "Playing... I mean planting (wink) in the garden with a birthday-friend."

    You are still making me smile and I'm still spreading the word on SMA!

  20. Happy Happy 6 month birthday little Avery! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, as do your mommy and daddy. Every day, each night, and all the hours in between. The world misses you and your beautiful smile. I hope one day your wish to become a big sister will come true, as that baby will be loved by millions around the world, and also by one very special angel in heaven.

  21. Happy 6 month birthday, dear Avery. Glazed donuts are one of my favorites.

  22. Happy 6 month birthday baby girl! You are thought of daily and we are wearing ivory in your honor. You will never be forgotten, and I am looking into starting a chapter and getting information out there to support SMA in my state! I will contact your mommy and daddy. I am also making them something special. My kids send their love to you and your parents as well.

    Mike and Laura,

    You are thought of daily as well. You are in our prayers always. Avery will never be forgotten, but always remembered and we will continue to the good fight against SMA for her and all of her friends. Love from my family to yours.

  23. Happy 6 month birthday Avery! You were with us for such a short time, but you will live on in our hearts forever. I hope you had a big ol' piece of that birthday cake - I hear carbs don't count in Heaven...still smiling for you sweet baby girl :)

  24. Happy 6 month birthday Avery! You were with us for such a short time, but you will live on in our hearts forever. I hope you had a big ol' piece of that birthday cake - I hear carbs don't count in Heaven...still smiling for you sweet baby girl :)

  25. Happy 6 month birthday! My youngest son is a year old today, so when we cut into his birthday cake, we'll set aside a bite for you too. Though you're not physically here, we're all thinking of you, and your story makes us all feel grateful for the lives we have.

  26. Beautiful Angel. Gone but never ever forgotten. I think of you daily and you've truly changed my life forever in many ways. Thank you to your parents for allowing us into yall lives.

  27. Happy 6 month birthday Angel Avery. I'm glad you got to celebrate this special day with your mommy and daddy. You even had cake and balloons, what a treat!!! I'm going to have a small celebration in your honour later today when I get home from work.

    Thanks for everything Avery (you know what I mean)
    I will continue to donate to your special cause as much and as often as I can.

    To Avery's parents: Thank you for allowing us to witness Avery's story; it is a story worth telling and a cause worth fighting for.

  28. Happy 6 months angel baby, my own baby girl (Alexa) will be 6 months on the 14th, you are 3 days older :) I feel like i personally know you for that reason, we will never forget you Avery<3

    Your friends in Dallas

  29. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!! You continue touching lives and making a difference:-)

  30. Happy 6 month Birthday sweet angel! My boys and I will be smiling for you today!
    R.I.P. You will never be forgotten

  31. Happy 6 month Birthday sweet baby girl! We love you & continue to follow your updates. We're keeping you, your family, friends, & SMA friends in our thoughts & prayers. You have touched our hearts in such an incredible way. Thank you! We know that you are continually smiling down on your parents and all your friends...that smile is just too precious & absolutely contagious!

    Mike & are amazing parents! Thank you for continuing to share Avery with all of us & thank you for bringing awareness to SMA. Like so many, I never knew what SMA was until I read Avery's story & started following her blog. So...thank you!

    Now...Let's kick SMA's booty!!!

  32. Happy 6 month Birthday Avery! You live on in all of our hearts!

    God bless you and your mommy and daddy too!

  33. Happy Birthday sweet angel! Enjoy your new adventures!

  34. happy 6 months baby girl my lil girl will b 6 months tomorrow

  35. Happy Birthday sweet angel! Enjoy all your new adventures! We will keep spreading your message!

  36. happy 6 months baby girl my lil girl will b 6 months tomorrow

  37. I just wanted to say that you are such amazing parents. I don't know how you manage to stay so strong because I know that this has to be a difficult time. I understand what you are going through because I lost my son back in October when he was 9 days old and I still find it hard sometimes to get through the day. I'm glad to know that my son, Aydan, has a beautiful angel friend with him named Avery who I know has to be having a good time with him. In a week he would have been 7 months old. I thank you for bringing tears to my eyes when I read this, because even if I might get some sadness out of this, at the same time I seem be grateful for all the little miracles in our lives that make big differences. Thank you once again!

  38. Happy 6 month birthday sweet baby. My boys will be 6 months on the 18. I love you!

  39. Happy 6 month sweet girl. You are and will continue to be an inspiration. It is so great how many lives you have touched and will continue to touch. I feel very connected to you and your family through this blog. I love reading yours posts and watching all the things that get to become crossed of your list. I will continue to share your message.

  40. My youngest was 9 months old yesterday. Everytime I hold her, I feel so, so blessed that she is here and healthy. Today, I spent time giving her extra hugs and kisses in celebration and memory of Avery. Even though I have two children of my own, I cannot get that little girl out of my head.

    Happy 6 month birthday, little lady! I know you're having the most awesome celebration in Heaven!

  41. You really do continue to amaze me with your grace and spirit. we wore our ivory today and thought of you all as we wished Avery a wonderful birthday!! You are two incredibly inspirational people and I truly believe that because of you and Avery a cure will be found. In the meantime many many families will be spared because they were made aware of SMA by Avery and got tested!!!! Saving thousands of lives is a pretty amazing thing to cross off a bucket list!!!

  42. Dear Avery,

    Happy Half birthday, and as always, thank you for the smile you bring to my face everytime I visit your site! First thing in the morning I can't wait to check in and see if your parents made an update... Even when they don't I reread all your threads and time goes on I cry less and less and smile more and more because I realize how special you are, even in death you manage to bring smiles to an uncapturing number. I think there needs to be a pledge that people and OBGYN's to sign called the "Avery Pledge". I will get tested for SMA on behalf of you and I hope to get my OBGYN to pledge to bring awareness to ALL his patients about the seriousness of SMA.
    What your parents have endured is something I can never repay, because of them and YOU I will not have to suffer the loss of a child with SMA. Mike and Laura, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    So dearest Avery, wishes for an amazing half year and all that you've accomplished in such short time. You've made us all proud. Happy 1/2 Birthday!

  43. HAPPY Birthday sweet baby Avery. We love you VERY much. Your mommy and daddy are REMARKABLE parents. You are so lucky to have them.

  44. Happy Birthday Sweet Angel Avery! We miss you down here & I know you are looking down & watching out for you parents & all your SMA Friends. We will always remember you & will definitely keep spreading the word.

    Mike & Laura
    I again want to thank you for sharing her with us. You are so incrediablly strong & a inspiration to us. Looking forward to more post in the future & the possibility of a little sister for Avery to watch over.

  45. Happy 6 months little angel!!! I know your having the biggest birthday party in heaven.

    I hope you liked the flag

  46. Happy Birthday Avery!!! Have an amazing day with all your friends in heaven.

  47. Happy birthday sweet girl. My little one lives with aspergers and your blog gave me strength to enjoy every day and every moment even if it is difficult. We enjoyed the zoo last weekend after your blog gave me the courage to bring her. You are affecting so many people and I am lucky to have "met" you. Hugs to Laura and Mike!

  48. Happy six month birthday, sweet angel!! I made a $100 donation in your name in honor of your birthday today. Let's get that cure to make SMA wish that it should've missed Avery! Love you, beautiful girl and God bless your mommy and daddy!

  49. Dearest Avery, I made a second donation in your honor today, May 11, 2012. Sweet girl, I hope your mommy and daddy can feel you with them.

    Lots of love...
    Forever your SMAn,

  50. Happy Half Birthday, Sweet Avery! I know there's a big birthday celebration in Heaven tonight :)

  51. You're certainly making an impact and a difference with all you are doing. I have a 6 month old daughter and I think of Avery often. Thank you for sharing Avery's story. Traci

  52. You sweet little angel ~ Happy 6th month Birthday. Enjoy your birthday with all the other angels up there. My heart is with you always and with your Mommy and Dadday too.

    sending you many,many hugs and love
    Karen B.

  53. Happy birthday sweet Avery! I bet you heaven throws the best birthday bashes!

  54. Avery, Happy Birthday sweet baby. You are not forgotten, nor will you ever be.

  55. Oh and Happy Mother's Day, Laura!

  56. There were 3 rainbows in Austin, Texas today. A double rainbow plus another one. They were beautiful and brilliant and made me think of Avery. Birthday rainbows!

  57. Happy Birthday Avery! I am very glad you got to celebrate your 6 month birthday with your parents. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the posts. I have cried with both joy and sorrow throughout all of this. You have definitely made a friend in me. I look forward to looking at your blog each and every day - whether it is looking at new posts such as today or celebrating your life in your previous posts.

    Mike and Laura,
    I am so amazed at everything you have done with Avery. She was such a special girl. I got completely hooked while clicking through possible news articles on Yahoo. I saw this sweet angelic smiling face that just drew me in. As I read about her and then clicked into this site, I completely grew to love Avery and both of you with everything you were doing for Avery and ultimately for all of us too.

    Please take care,


  58. Happy Birthday, Avery!

  59. Happy half-birthday, baby Avery! I think about and pray for you and your mommy and daddy every day. You are an amazing family. It's so wonderful to see how much money has been raised for SMA research because your parents decided to share you with the world.

  60. Happy Birthday and Happy 6 month celebration. I've been thinking about you all day. I hope your party gives strength and brings comfort to our family. Let's all get on the band wagon so family planning doctors and clinics will advise their patients that SMA carrier testing is available and will help the world make more healthy babies. With enough awareness and testing, we CAN stamp out SMA.

  61. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! I bet Heaven has the best birthday parties! Always thinking of you and how you've changed my life...

  62. Mike and Laura,

    As I write this tomorrow is Mother's Day. Laura I wish you the best day you can have. Remember Avery's love for you and of course her smile. She knew even at her young age, you were the best mother she could have. You gave her the absolute best life she could have. And not only that, you and Mike shared her with the rest of us.

    You will be in my thoughts tomorrow and of course you are always in my prayers.

    Take care,


  63. Happy Mother's Day, Laura! God bless!

  64. Happy Mother's Day Laura!! You are one of the strongest, courageous and loving Mother's out there!! I'm sure Avery is sending all her love from heaven will be that sweet smell of lilacs, the butterfly that kisses your nose & the sunshine on your face as your baby girl wraps her arms around you. I hope you get a chance to enjoy today even though Avery can't be here with you, from one mom to another...Happy Mother's Day.

  65. Happy Mother's Day, Laura. I think about your family every day. You and Mike and Avery have truly changed how I look at life. You have inspired me to live for today, to be a stronger person, to cry but then not forget to laugh. Avery is such a beautiful girl and her smiling face is one that puts a smile on my face. Avery Angel, I'm sure, is looking down on you right now with a smile because you are an amazing mother.

  66. Laura,

    Thinking of you on this bittersweet day. May the memories of your precious angel bring you comfort and joy today. Happy Mother's Day! Your beautiful family has touched many lives and continues to do so.

    Denise Pipkin
    Fort Hood, TX

  67. Thank you Avery for being part of this world!!!God Bless you, and you as well Laura and Mike!!!

  68. I just had to share... I was on my way to a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game and along the highway was a huge billboard about SMA, as soon as I saw it I thought of Avery!!

  69. Yay Avery! Happy Mothers Day Laura, Avery is smiling at you right now. She loves you. She brought you cards and balloons. We all love you. Happy mothers day.

  70. I wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to Laura. I don't know you, but am thinking of you today and crying for you. As mothers, we have everything in common, and my heart aches for you.
    God bless you.

  71. Avery, I'm thinking of you and your mommy today.

  72. Happy Mother's Day! I pray for peace that surpasses understanding for you on this day. Avery was a very special baby and I'm so sorry that she's not with you in body on this special day.

  73. Today I want to thank Avery's mom for her wonderful example of what an extraordinary mother is. Avery is very special so if she chose you to be her mommy than you are very special too.
    Peace be with you today and always.

  74. ....Hello, little Angel.. Please know that your life, your smile, your story has inspired many, and many more need to spread the word of HOPE and AWARENESS so that this thing called SMA can be DEFEATED.... We all must be strong and try to fight the good fight..I will try to keep your story ALIVE!!!

  75. Happy Mothers Day Laura,

    As always, smile! Because Avery is certainly doing so as she knows today is your day and she would want you to enjoy it. We are all thinking about you and wishing you a special day.

    Dearest Avery, make your mom smile even bigger today...

    Best wishes

  76. Happy First mother's day to you and your wife. You and your family are in my prayers.

  77. Happy Mother's Day Laura. Your family has changed the way I look at life. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

  78. Laura, you were on my mind and in my prayers yesterday. You are an amazing mother, and that is reflected in the sweet little smiles of your little girl.

  79. I haven't had a Shipleys donut in 20 years, kinda miss them. Happy birthday Avery and happy mothers day to your mom.

  80. Happy 6 month birthday, Avery! I'm so glad your mommy and daddy keep moving forward and celebrate how old you are, rather than how old you "were". We did the same with our Carleigh. :) I've never heard of a Shipley's donut. I wonder if it's anything like a Krispy Kreme? I know the Krispy Kremes with raspberry filling are absolutely Heavenly! I hope you know that your story is spreading everywhere! Every time I see your picture pop up on Facebook, I smile, because I know that you've touched another life, just as you touched mine!

  81. happy 1/2 birthday avery! :)

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  83. Hi and happy half birthday Avery!
    I was just wondering, what would be the primary goal of the SMA gene prenatal testing? Would it be so carriers wouldn't get pregnant in the first place? Or so those with affected pregnancies could terminate?
